Friday, April 18, 2008

From the Website

Ted NugentBarack Obama and Hillary Clinton squared off last night in a debate that failed its billing of determining which one will be the Democrat presidential nominee after next Tuesday’s, April 22nd Pennsylvania primary.

Both are running low on patience with the other and could barely remain civil amid a barrage and counter barrage of increasingly nasty TV ads in the Keystone State. Neither expected to be fighting it out in a debate two and one half months after the now infamously inconclusive SUPER TUESDAY PRIMARIES.

Post debate a record number of undecided Democrats told Frank Luntz’s focus group they’d vote for McCain depending on which one the Democrats nominate. But, the debate did not appear to change many decided Democrat minds. Clinton’s lead hs been slipping in Pennsylvania but pundits and Pennsylvania Governor Rendell think Clinton can still pull off a 10% win picking up 200,000 votes. Rendell is notorious for saying Conservatize MeObama can not win in Pennsylvania.

Obama’s “bitter” castigation of gun-toting God nuts had begun to bite him as Hillary has squirted out to a 9-point lead 50-41% according Rasmussen polling. The schism was stark with Clinton leading among voters who say faith and religion are Somewhat or Very Important. Obama leads among those who say such topics are Not Very Important or Not at All Important. Among voters from households where someone owns a gun, Clinton leads by seventeen points. Voters from other households are more evenly divided.

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